Hello there, my lovelies!
My first bit of news is for my English and Welsh nigella.com site members — I do apologise to all the others of you, but this is necessarily restricted to Ocado's delivery area — and it’s that I’ve got a special Ocado prize draw for you, which is open for entry now!
Ocado is offering the chance to win £200 in Ocado grocery vouchers to spend on Ocado.com — a perfect opportunity to check out some of my favourite Ocado products in my Nigella Loves aisle! And the two runners-up will each receive £50 in Ocado grocery vouchers. I'm afraid the competition is only open to those who live in an Ocado delivery area, but you can click here to check.
To enter, you need to follow these three simple steps:
1. Follow @ocadouk on Instagram
2. Follow me, @nigellalawson on Instagram
3. Tag at least one friend and use #WIN in the prize draw announcement post by @ocadouk and @nigellalawson on Instagram.
You can enter as many times as you want, as long as you tag a different friend each time.
The competition is open now, and closes at 11:59pm GMT on 2 October 2024. It's open to UK entrants who are within Ocado's delivery area (you can check by clicking here) who are aged 18+, and winners will be contacted in the week of 14 October 2024. Full T&Cs available here: www.ocado.com/nigellaprizedraw.
This is, indeed, my special Final Prize Draw with Ocado as, after a wonderful two years working together, I do need to clear some time for myself to work on other projects, including trying to embark on a new cookbook. I’m just not as good a multitasker as I once was! But while I’m stepping away from a very enjoyable partnership, I remain a devoted and loyal Ocado customer. I’m so grateful for the delicious fun we’ve had together. And do please cross your fingers for me on the book front — now that I’ve told you about my plans, I’ll just have to buckle down!
Love Nigella