I'm not sure of the protocol concerning an English person barging in on Thanksgiving; after all, the initial cause of gratitude was not just at setting foot in the land of plenty, but being shot of Blighty. Still, whatever the holiday, if food's included, I'm in. And the particularly fantastic thing about Thanksgiving is that, really, food is all it's about. Not that it isn't a good idea to remember those other matters one wants to give thanks for, too.
Thanksgiving is a tradition that encompasses everyone in America, regardless of culture or religion, and doesn't involve presents and wrapping and shopping: it is a feast that celebrates the act of feasting. You can't get purer than that! But to business: start the celebrations with Parmesan Shortbreads, which are easy to make (in advance if it helps) and quite the most delicious mouthful for any holiday gathering – and just the thing to nibble on when drinking. Cosmo Cocktail Sausages (think sausages imbued with the flavours of a Cosmopolitan Cocktail) can be party food, or sit alongside the Thanksgiving Turkey. Sweet Potatoes With Marshmallows may be kitsch, but as a traditional Thanksgiving side, they are pretty hard to beat. And for dessert? Can I suggest my Pecan-Plus Pie (other nuts abundantly included) or Pumpkin Cheesecake? I know it is poor form to say this out loud, but I so much prefer this to the more traditional pumpkin pie. And of course my Holiday Hotcake With Eggnog Cream – worthy of Thanksgiving, indeed.
But please feel free to trawl through the rest of the recipes on the website for further inspiration. I leave you with a few suggestions, starting with the obvious Spiced and Superjuicy Roast Turkey with Allspice Gravy (though you could also try my Italian-inspired Turkey Breast Stuffed With Sausage And Marsala-Steeped Cranberries and, for vegetarian celebrants, Roast Stuffed Pumpkin With Gingery Tomato Sauce. Also, there's Redder than Red Cranberry Sauce, plus a dessert-style Cranberry Syrup to be poured over ice cream, Spiced Peaches (out of a can, I'm not ashamed to say) which beg to be served with the big bird, as do the Green Bean And Lemon Casserole and my creamy Potato, Parsnip And Porcini Gratin. Happy Holidays!
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Spiced and Superjuicy Roast Turkey
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